Welcome to Young Blood Antiaging

Ageing is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength

Today blood transfusion are given every day to save patients lives or effect certain diseases with little or no risk.


In 1950s, Cornell University researchers conducted an experiments with rats and their circulatory systems ( parabiosis ). To their surprise the study presented an outcome much greater than expected. The aging cartilage and muscles of the older rats revitalized bring them back to a more youthful level.

2004, Thomas Rando at Stanford University research found that older tissue contain approximately the same amount of stem cells as younger tissue. Thomas Rando redid the 1950s parabiosis experiments, and exchanged the blood of old rats and young rats.
After a few weeks, Thomas Rando discovered an extremely surprising reversal occurred, the young rats had begun to age, their stem cells were retarded and their muscles function reduced. The older rats on the other hand, were pump up with new cells that made their hearts stronger muscles stronger, livers rejuvenated and other signs of reversed aging.
Parabiosis, was now seen as something that potentially held the key to the fountain of youth, 


The infusion of young blood also boosted the number and strength of neuronal connections in an area of the brain where new cells do not grow. This didn’t happen when old rats received old blood.
According to research presented at the Society for Neuroscience giving young blood to old rats can reverse some of the effects of age-related cognitive decline.

Alkahest used human teen blood, injected it into old rats blood, and said it reversed aging. From tired, slow, and decrepit, the elderly rats suddenly had sharp memories, renewed cognition, and were exercising with the vigor of youth.

The animal studies are great but can those be translated to humans and the answer is yes and no. First NO we can’t use Parabiosis as a method and we can’t and should not be removing the blood from a child and giving it to an aging person.
There are several companies  providing young blood transfusions from 18-25 year old donors charging from $8,000.00 to $150,000.00 but the CEO of Phoenix Bio Research & World Stem Cell Clinic has said the 18 to 25 year old blood does not have the protein expression to move the clock back in humans. His companies offers treatments that have a much higher protein expression Therapeutic Young Plasma Exchange (TYPE)“ “TM” P612 & Therapeutic Young Blood Exchange (TYBE)“ “TM” P613 developed in the Phoenix Bio Research laboratory after 50+ years of research and 12 years of treatment protocols given at World Stem Cell Clinic. The goal is like the Phoenix bird regenerates, help our older bodies to morph into a younger and healthier body staving off age related disease such as Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, Cancer, arthritis, cataracts, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and provide aging rejuvenation of the skin, multiple areas of the brain, muscle, spinal cord and heart.
In Americans 4.5 million will a need blood transfusion each year. Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood, and more than 50,000 units of blood are needed each year at Cedars-Sinai alone. Today blood transfusion are given every day to save patients lives or effect certain diseases with little or no risk. AABB standards are use today to reduce risk of disease transmission and transfusion are ABO specific. Like in any medical procedure there are inherent risks.
The silicon valley billionaires and other super rich around the world are clamoring for the fountain of youth. Peter Thiel has funded millions for finding research to find the answer to aging. This is the future!



Potential surrogate quantitative immunomodulatory potency assay for monitoring human umbilical cord‐derived mesenchymal stem cells production

Sen‐Wen Teng Hsin‐Yu Sung Yu‐Chieh Wen Ssu‐Yu Chen Ronald Lovel Wen‐Ying Chang Tang Bo‐Chung Wu Yogi Cheng‐Yo Hsuan Willie Lin Abstract Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) play an important role as immune modulator through interaction with several immune cells, including macrophages. In this study, the immunomodulatory potency of human umbilical cord‐derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUC‐MSCs) was demonstrated in the in vivo middle cerebral artery

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Intravenous allogeneic umbilical cord blood–derived mesenchymal stem cell therapy in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa patients

Sang Eun Lee,1 Seung-Ju Lee,1 Song-Ee Kim,1 Kinam Kim,2 Boyoung Cho,2 Kyounghwan Roh,3 and Soo-Chan Kim4 Published January 25, 2021 – More info Abstract BACKGROUND. Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) is an incurable disease that causes severe mucocutaneous fragility due to mutations in COL7A1 (encoding type VII collagen [C7]). In this phase I/IIa trial, we evaluated the safety and possible clinical efficacy of intravenous infusion of

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